Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Wolfram Archive

Strong Interest in Wolfram|Alpha Seen at Tokyo Event

Published May 20, 2015

Following the successful Mathematica and Wolfram technology events in Japan in 2014, Wolfram Research Asia Ltd. organized a Wolfram|Alpha event on April 28, 2015. Hundreds of audience members packed into the lecture hall at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TiTech) to see the talks by Noriko Yasui, a Wolfram|Alpha developer, and Dr. Kenji Yoshida, a math teacher at Waseda University High School. Wolfram organized the event together with TiTech and the Institute of Molecular Sciences (IMS) on the occasion of Yasui’s visit to Japan.

Yasui presented a general introduction to W|A and showed how new Programmable Linguistic Interface functions in the Wolfram Language can be used to create a custom Wolfram|Alpha implementation. Yoshida reported that using Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha stimulated students in his math classes, emphasizing that more students took an interest in mathematics compared with those educated in a more conventional fashion.